Grounding: Ecology, Faith, Hope Workshop

Grounding: Ecology, Faith, Hope Workshop


Come join others who are excited to explore strategies for sustaining hope while responding to our planet’s ecological crisis. Come, and have your own hope rekindled. Through art, music, keynote speakers, worship, and workshops we’ll create a “commons” for sharing positive ideas, stories, and religious imaginations that generate visions of the future far more hopeful than the brutal post-apocalypse scenarios painted by much of popular culture.

This event will nourish our religious imagination. But not in a way that devalues environmental science. Faith and science are dialogue partners in the most crucial conversation in the history of our planet. This is why Grounding: Ecology, Faith, Hope is being run in tandem with the Muskoka Summit on the Environment, which is organized by those active in the environmental sciencesThe theme of this year’s Summit, “Restoring our Relationship with the Natural World”, fits beautifully into  conversations among those who are active in a faith tradition.

The Muskoka Summit on the Environment will begin on May 24th and end in the afternoon of May 25th; Grounding: Ecology, Faith, Hope will then begin in the evening of the 25th and end before supper on Saturday, May 26th. You will have to register for each event separately, and can certainly attend either one or the other.  However, we are hoping that most will attend the Summit and then keep the conversation going at Grounding. The two registration fees total $200–an excellent price for a 3 day learning experience!


A Companion Event to the Muskoka Summit on the Environment Registration Deadline: April 30,2018

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